Epson scan v500 photo
Epson scan v500 photo

epson scan v500 photo

With the SilverFast HDR-software, the raw data can be then processed under the inclusion of the infrared channel, so that the dust and scratch correction takes place afterwards. In order to accomplish here a dust and scratch correction, one has to take the detour over a raw scan that is also containing the data of the infrared channel - in the SilverFast-jargon this is called HDRi-scan. But the infrared channel can be also red-out from the SilverFast-software.


Due to legal licensing reasons,this technique is not rightly implemented in the software of SilverFast. Unfortunately, this hardware-based dust and scratch correction only works with the Epson Scan software without detours. The scanner has an ICE technology with which dust and scratches are automatically recognized and removed with the help of an infrared technique. A big flat LED runs underneath the four keys and glow and/or blink in a posh blue colour indicating the scanning status. Moreover, there are three small lamps at the front of the device: two small lamps located right beside the scan keys indicate if the device is activated and give a message in case an error occured. Two further keys send the scan right to the e-mail program and/or to the printer, and with the last key, the scan software Epson Scan can be started. Therewith, the finished PDF-file can be browsed. The nominal resolution is of 6400ppi, that is either available for the scannings of film material as also of paper material.Īt the front part of the device there are four keys with which some different functions can be straightly activated: With one key it is possible to generate a searcheable PDF-file right away that contains the scanned document and additionally, if necessary, the contained text as as computer readable characters.

epson scan v500 photo

Due to the reason the transparency unit is quite narrow, for the scanning of transparencies, only a narrow strip located in the middle of the surface can be used that is barely wide enough to cover some medium format film strips of 120 / 220 and of a maximum length of 22cm.


The Epson Perfection V600 Photo has a scan surface in the A4-format which can be used in its full size for the non transparent originals. Equipment, accessoires and performance data of the scanner Despite of this, we are going to have a deep look into the Epson Perfection V600 Photo in order to clarify in this test report what this device is able to perform. Beside the word "Photo" that is contained in the model description, the main target of this scanner is the digitalization of non transparent material as for example paper fotos, graphics or text documents.

epson scan v500 photo

In our filmscanner shop the Epson V600 and Epson V600 accessories are available.Īs a flat bed scanner at a cheap price, the Epson Perfection V600 Photo is not priorly designed to digitalize film material in a good quality.

Epson scan v500 photo