Free zoomtext 11 trial
Free zoomtext 11 trial


It took about 5 minutes to install all the software components. The setup wizard would run as part of the installation, you can choose to run the wizard or choose the default setting. If you choose the default setting, you can change the setting later. If you enable voice, you would hear what button or options on the screen.

free zoomtext 11 trial

There is a tool bar to change font size and enable or disable voice at the top of each installation screen. I noticed the installation process has been improved. I had to stop the anti virus program in order to continue. During ZT Fusion installation, Avast anti virus program thought one of the file was a virus and stopped the installation. There is no need to uninstall ZT 10 to run the trial software. This PC already had ZT Magnifier/Reader 10 installed on it.

free zoomtext 11 trial

I installed the trial software in a laptop PC running Windows 7 Professional. BTW, the upgrade price from ZT Magnifier/Reader is $399 while buying a new copy is $999. I have to give ZT Fusion a try so I downloaded the free 60-day trial before deciding whether to spend the money to upgrade. ZT Fusion is supposedly easier to use, especially for those who already familiar with the ZT Magnifier/Reader, that's me. I have tried JAWS and NVDA screen readers but found them hard to use because of all those hard to remember hotkey shortcut. With my continue worsening vision, I have been looking into a full time screen reader for awhile.

free zoomtext 11 trial

Unlike the screed reader that was in the ZoomText Magnifier/Reader 10, the Window-Eyes screen reader in the ZT Fusion has lot more capabilities. This product seems to target people with progressive vision loss, such as those with retinitis pigmentosa, to transition seamlessly from magnifier to a full time screen reader. This is a ZT magnifier integrated with Window-Eyes 9.2. The latest product from AI Squared is called ZoomText Fusion 10.1.

Free zoomtext 11 trial